

Peter Cotton’s tail, or the Tail of Peter Rabbit?  No matter which tail tale you side with, “somebunny” lost one, and now I have it…. my little decorative springtime specimen.

linda nelson at the createaerie

For this post, I find myself in the mood for some random chitchat, sharing a bit of much-to-do-about-nothing, chewing the cud….  I hope you don’t mind that I’m inclined to verbally and visually unwind.

This past week presented me with a number of random tasks/errands to tackle, one of which required me to park my vehicle right next to our town’s hospital thrift shop.  How convenient.  And, the shop was having a storewide 1/2 price clearance sale.  Sweet!

Well, I couldn’t resist snatching up this little needlepoint tapestry.  Now, I did have to “freshen” it up a bit and swap out it’s musty “scented” broken frame for one I had on hand, but it was worth the wee bit of effort.

linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie

I also managed to mount the deer head I brought back from Italy.  The “mounting board” is from an old, broken sewing cabinet.  I think they pair together nicely, don’t you?

linda nelson at the createaerie

My seventeen year-old developed a little quirk about a year ago, and it has had an effect on my kitchen decor.  I’m serious!  I know, I know…… how could the two issues be related?  Well, about four years ago, I invested in the “lady with the blue dress on” from an artist who’s work I admire, and thought that wall the perfect spot to show her off.  All was fine…… until I had new windows installed last year.  By the way, my seventeen year-old is sitting in the bottom of this photo.

linda nelson at the createaerie

Anyway, the doorknob on the right side of the photo leads to my basement; I kept it open the duration of the window installment construction so he could seek shelter from all the loud noises and burly strangers making the noise.  Since then, he has insisted on wanting the basement door open all the time.  Thank goodness he sleeps most of the day, so it’s only a few hours here and there that my view of the lady is obstructed by the door.  This past week, I came up with a solution that grants me an arty view, regardless.

linda nelson at the createaerie

I painted the basement facing side of the door, made an over-the-door hanger from a piece of aluminum flashing I had on hand, and hung one of my other cherished pieces on the hanger.  Instant art gallery!

The following photos are of some other little visual pleasures that currently adorn my kitchen/dining area. 

linda nelson at the createaerie

I love this little corner of the kitchen counter, which is just to the left of my sink.  I always make sure it looks pretty so that washing dishes isn’t so “painful”.

linda nelson at the createaerie

A client of mine passed this apothecary cabinet on to me, one of my favorite pieces.  I keep the doors off, though; too impractical for daily use.

linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie

I used to have a pet rooster.  His name was Captain Hook.  I love chickens.

linda nelson at the createaerie

The enamel pan serves as my “fruit bowl”.  I have since restocked; grocery shopping was on the errands list.

linda nelson at the createaerie

This scale belonged to my grandmother.  And, it’s not just a prop; I actually use it to calculate the weight for when shipping my greeting card orders.

linda nelson at the createaerie

And, that’s my verbal and visual random chitchat for today.  Thanks for stopping by!



In my previous post, I shared with you my thrift shop score for a child related craft idea that had been brewing in my head.   Well, the child related theme continues in this post.

What I also picked up at the thrift shop was this delightful little art piece that I’m assuming was done by an adolescent(poster paint on colored paper) female – a “Picasso-ita”.  How sad that someone gave this treasure up.  I immediately fell in love with it, and not because I though it was “cute”; I simply thought it was good.  Period.  Which…. brings me to getting up on my little soapbox.

linda nelson at the createaerie

Parents, please don’t tape your children’s artwork to the refrigerator like you would a grocery list or parent/teacher conference reminder notification.  Instead, encourage your child to accept that not every single art piece they produce is exceptional.  For the ones that are, get them framed and mount them in prominent places throughout your home.  Yes, incorporate them among “pricey” pieces.  As for the others, purchase an artist’s portfolio for storing all their “exercises” in and suggest to your child that they periodically look back at those pieces to analyze in what way their art has evolved.

The little thrift shop find now hangs in my dining room.  Pictured below, are two pieces my daughter made back in grade school many, many years ago.  I love them, and they are a part of the “permanent collection” that hangs throughout my home.

linda nelson at the createaerie

linda nelson at the createaerie

Furthermore, framed originals make lovely gifts for giving to grandparents, other relatives and teachers, too.  Okay, I’m stepping down off my soapbox now.



……that delight us so?  A feast for the eyes, reminiscent of simpler times we hold so dear, even if only in our dreams, no?  They take us back to an era of the past, one in which we proclaim we would have fit right in.

linda nelson at the createaerie

How is it that a spring frame, so utilitarian, is prized like that of a work of art?

linda nelson at the createaerie

Why do we hoard old rusty nails, piping and trappings of manhole covers?  They await a new life as they rust and ripen to perfection.

linda nelson at the createaerie

How ironic that a rusty nail be served in an old-fashioned glass.  It delivers more wisdom perhaps?


A dragonfly…… once shiny and new…… now perfectly flaked, crusty and brown thanks to weather’s wear.

linda nelson at the createaerie
Even Mr. Mantis is partial to a rusty perch, perfectly complementing his spring green cloak.
linda nelson at the createaerie
The bucket of an old potato ricer…..
linda nelson at the createaerie
a railroad spike…….
linda nelson at the createaerie
an old well water pump…….
linda nelson at the createaerie

………all of these things, so ordinary and mundane, are coveted, collected and carefully placed about the home as curious subject matter with a story to tell.

Not all eyes can see this, however…….

not everyone possesses the trait for gravitating toward this magical form of oxidation.  The ones who do………

are they blessed or cursed?

Maybe they are a little of both.


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