I never thought there would be such a lapse since my last post. The past two years have taken my focus in other directions and blog posting took a back seat. And I love the blog world, no matter how less engaging it has become. I think of it as journal keeping and equally enjoy others’ blogs. Also, note to self – create art in the new year.
Anyway, I wish you all a happy and creative New Year. I have yet to put my holiday decorations away, but that hasn’t stopped me from dragging out my art cart. The dining table is amass with papers, paint, glue, rulers… you name it, it’s strewn about. Creative chaos in the making.
Here’s a visual recap of 2023, both art and garden related, beginning with a planting project I started in autumn of 2022 and completed the spring of this past year.
Some containers plantings….
And a sprinkling of art….
I’ve resumed making the greeting cards for an upcoming craft fair. It feels good to again immerse myself in paper play while the slumbering gardens await my tending care come spring.