My kitchen table has been the craft madness “arting” hub for the past two months, and I’ll be maintaining this momentum, seizing every waking moment until my gardening season resumes in a few weeks.

Now, read this……

Move over, gelli plate printing, you’ve got competition!

Yes folks, you’ve read that correctly.  I’ve got a gelli plate printing alternative that won’t disappoint, and I’m sharing that with you right now.

Here’s what you need –

  • smooth garden kneeling pad(No, you can’t use kid’s craft foam or a squishy yoga mat!)
  • liquid glycerin(mix 50/50 with water)
  • old credit/gift card
  • acrylic paint, card stock, watercolor paper, stencils, stylus
  • brayer, squeegee, small rubber spatula, silicone makeup applicator or similar “tools”

Using a ruler, utility knife and healing mat, cut your kneeler pad to a desired size.  I created three different sizes to suit my needs.  Next, prime the printing surface of your block pad with the glycerin/water mixture; I used a scrap piece of the pad to make a little squeegee-type tool.  Be sure to skim the entire surface, which should feel ever so slightly slick, but not slimy.  If the surface is too slippery, lightly blot it with a paper towel.

Load your brayer or silicone sponge with acrylic paint and apply it over the slicked surface, taking care not too make the paint layer too thick.  You should barely be able to see the tiny pores on the surface of the block.

This is where the fun begins.  The choice is yours to use stencils, free-hand draw with a stylus, or both.  Press your stencil firmly onto the block, then carefully lift it off.  When you’re ready, hover the painted block surface above the paper you’re going to print, visually frame it into position, and press it onto the paper.  Press firmly for about 10 seconds, then carefully peel the paper from the block.

Voila!  You’ve just made a gelli plate alternative print!

Let your design dry, and if you’d like, proceed with creating another layer on top of the first one.  Wet on wet techniques work too.  Use an old credit card to skim the leftover paint from the foam block before loading a different color onto it.   You’ll be able to do about three prints before needing to reload your block with some some glycerin mix.  How will you know?  The foam block will feel tacky, and you will run the risk of it sticking to and damaging the paper when peeled away from the block.

Well, I hope you’ve been inspired you to give this printing technique a try.  Oh, and unlike gelli printing plates, your foam block is super easy to clean with water and a scrubby sponge, and there’s no fancy storage requirements.

Happy printing!


29 thoughts on “BETTER THAN GELLI”

  1. Hi, Linda. I’ve been looking to buy a gelli plate and stumbled across this blog post. A few questions:

    1. Where would one buy this type of kneeling pad?
    2. How do you store your plate?


    1. Hello Karin, so sorry for my delay in responding. The kneeling pad can be sourced at any garden center or garden section of a local big box store. You may also find something similar in a store’s exercise/workout department. There are no storage issues with a kneeling pad. Just be sure to purchase one that is firm, not “squishy”, and has a smooth surface.

  2. Hi Linda I’m a lifelong printer and print maker but fancied having a go at printing from a soft surface but was put off by the very high price of Gelli plates. So thanks for this tip I will definitely give it a whirl.

    Carl West Wales

    1. Hello Carl, do take my “better than gelli” phrase with a grain of salt. Gelli plates are fantastic tools, as proof is in all the fabulous artwork produced out in the world by folks that use them. What i like most about the kneeling/foam pad method is that it is much more forgiving with regard to potential damage, there are no storage requirements and it’s a fraction of the cost of a Gelli plate.

      1. I’m writing to you from Mexico — it looks like gelli plates are cheaper than garden pads …

        In the meantime, while I decide if I’m going to buy one, I appreciate seeing you working with materials on hand — old credit card, etc., as I’m working on a thick sheet of glass although acrylic paint doesn’t spread well onto it …

        1. Hello Laurie, That’s too bad you couldn’t find a garden pad at a good price, though sometimes you can find them at a thrift store on the cheap. A silicone baking mat works well too, though they can also be a bit pricey. Scout some local thrift stores! Linda

    1. Hello Marty, the pad is not porous, slick, nor sealed. However, I am currently experimenting with sealing the surface so that the step of prepping the pad before applying the paint can be omitted. Once I feel confident with the outcome, I will share with all in a future post.

  3. Linda, thanks so much for your post. I am attracted to trying gelli printing but the price barrier was stopping me. Will try your method!

    1. Hi Dee, each prime with the glycerin/water mix will give you two(maybe three) pulls; then you have to prime the foam block again. I believe that an authentic gelli plate would not have this issue, but a foam kneeling pad is a very economical way to enjoy this very popular printmaking art.

  4. Hi Linda, great idea! I literally purchased the ingredients/supplies to make my own gelli plate. I’ve seen some pretty good recipes online so I thought I’d give it a try. I already have a really good kneeling pad so I’m going to try this as well. I may put a silicone mat on top of the kneeling pad and see how that works. Thanks for the info!

    1. Trish, we are on exactly the same page. I do all three, and had very good results with making my own printing plates from the gelatin/glycerin recipes out there. There was only one that developed some mold around the edges. Perhaps I did not store it properly.

  5. Thank you, Linda.
    At my local art group we have just had a demonstration of Gelli printing. I looked at the price of the plates and they are very expensive, so I shall try your method with a kneeling mat.

    1. That’s great Pam! Just remember to lightly coat the mat’s surface with the glycerin – very little, almost like you just want to buff it onto the surface. You’ll probably need to do this after every two pulls.

  6. So glad I found your post! Gel plates are so expensive, particularly if you want a few different sizes.
    I have just cut up a yoga mat (before I go out and find a kneeling pad) and have had great success using it to make prints to use in collage. Brillant!
    Thanks for your post!

    1. Hi Marsha, My sincere apologies for taking so long to respond. Yes, a silicone mat works great and is also a cheaper alternative to a Gelli plate. However, just like my frugal method, the paint can dry very quickly on the mat; you need to work rather quickly or add a bit of retarder to your paint.

  7. This is phenomenal! I happen to have one of those garden kneeling mats and I’m sure going to try this. Sure beats paying 30$ for an 8×10 gelli plate. I have a homemade 8×8 gelli plate that I use but this kneeling pad method sounds more fun. Thanks

  8. I am so greatful you posted this, I have a homemade gelli plate but I am going to try the garden kneeling pad method because it sounds fun

    1. The advantage of the kneeling pad is that it can endure light pressure from a drawing tool that might otherwise damage a Gelli plate.

  9. Dear Linda, is this technique also suitable for photo transfer? I once read that it doesn’t work with self-made gel plates, for example…

    1. Ute, I don’t do photo transfers. I would suggest giving it a try, perhaps experimenting with different methods. Take notes so that you can remember what method worked and what did not. I have a journal notebook reserved exclusively for art and craft recipes, notes and a list of websites with valuable information that I may want to refer back to. The experimentation process is an important part of making art. Explore and have fun!

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