In my home, curiosity may not kill the cat, but it may possibly bring down the Christmas tree.  And, this is why I feel like I’m going back in time – the yesteryears of un-breakables.

Remember when your kids(for those of you who have them) were little, when the delicate ornaments were hung toward the top of the tree and the unbreakable ones within the reach of chubby little hands?  Well, my cat, Kovacs, though not a chubby handed little tot, sure is curious.  So….. back in time I go.   This is his first Christmas here in my home; I adopted him earlier this year.  So far, so good; he hasn’t tried to scale the tree.

linda nelson at the createaerie
©Linda Nelson 2018

However, after some holiday shopping last night, I came home to this.

linda nelson at the createaerie
©Linda Nelson 2018

It’s supposed to look like this.

linda nelson at the createaerie
©Linda Nelson 2018

If I ever have grandchildren, they won’t be allowed in my house until they’re past “that stage”.  Just kidding.  I’m not that cruel…. but close.

Anyway, here’s a few of the un-breakables I hung on the tree.

linda nelson at the createaerie
©Linda Nelson 2018

I made the cowboy boots close to thirty years go!  The birdhouse was a recent purchase from a holiday bazaar.

linda nelson at the createaerie
©Linda Nelson 2018

And, here’s some other holiday baubles placed about.

linda nelson at the createaerie
©Linda Nelson 2018
linda nelson at the createaerie
©Linda Nelson 2018
linda nelson at the createaerie
©Linda Nelson 2018
linda nelson at the createaerie
©Linda Nelson 2018
linda nelson at the createaerie
©Linda Nelson 2018
linda nelson at the createaerie
©Linda Nelson 2018
linda nelson at the createaerie
©Linda Nelson 2018
linda nelson at the createaerie
©Linda Nelson 2018


I sure do hope your decorations are staying put!

2 thoughts on “GOING BACK IN TIME”

  1. With a new kitten in the house, there's no way we're putting up any kind of tree or ornaments!!! We love her to death, but we've got enough on our hands with little Phoebe discovering the aquarium, digging into the dirt of our potted plants and scurrying to and fro. She's a handful. It's been twenty years since we raised our first two kittens together. Into everything! Mostly, we laugh at her antics, but there are other times that are teaching moments (and still laughing under our breath).

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