Hey there!  I bet you’re aware that those gorgeous and very popular velvet pumpkins on display in autumn have a cousin – the velvet heart.  Making one of those pumpkins is quite easy to do, and the internet is full of video and instructional tutorials to guide you along.  However, the heart… not so much.  Seriously, there are no videos or tutorials on how to make these little lovelies.  But, guess what?  They’re so stinking easy to make that a tutorial is virtually unnecessary, especially if you’ve had past success making the pumpkins.  After some mental dissection pondering, I came up with a “heartfelt” hack.  I think I’ve cracked the code…… or have come close enough.

What do you think?

linda nelson at the createaerie

So, here’s the “tutorial” –

linda nelson at the createaerie
Linda Nelson 2018

Simply cut a piece of velvet twice the length of its width, “up and down” stitch all the way around the perimeter roughly 3/4″ from the edge, cinch it up, stuff it, cinch it up again as snug as you can get it, tie it secure, then stick a stem in it.  That’s it!  A 10″x20″ piece of velvet will make a (approx.) 5″h x 7″w heart, not including the stem, of course.

After you’ve completed your little velvety creation, it’s time to move on to some other fabrics.

linda nelson at the createaerie

I also have a variation on these beauties that I will share with you very soon, so stay tuned……….

Now, go get creative!

12 thoughts on “OH, MY HACKING HEART”

  1. Thank you for stopping by. Simply google "velvet pumpkins" and many gorgeous images will come up. If you google "velvet pumpkin heart" you'll find images of hearts, which I was eager to figure out how to make myself.

  2. I went right to town on pumpkins this fall, shopping the Sun/Mon. $1 clothes @ GW to get a variety of materials; guess I'll do it again, probably for next year at the rate I'm going. These are adorable!

  3. Thank you, Kathy. A few towns over from where I live is a Salvation Army, and I enjoy scouting for things there. Too often I lose track of time, and forget about the errands I really should be doing 😀

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