According to the Chinese zodiac, 2017 is the year of the Rooster, though I really think it’s the year of the Hydrangea. And moles/voles…. but, we won’t go there.
Perhaps it’s the generous rainfall the north east received this past spring that has something to do with it, I can’t be sure, but they certainly are showing off everywhere I look. It’s absolutely delightful!
©Linda Nelson 2017 |
©Linda Nelson 2017 |
Do you know what else delights me? I’ve got beets! Yes, I’ve finally had some success growing beets, which hasn’t been the case in years past. They are one of my most favorite vegetables, and simply plucking them from the garden is such a treat.
©Linda Nelson 2017 |
They’re great roasted in a drizzling of olive oil, salt and pepper, along with onions and sweet potatoes. Don’t forget to throw a few sprigs of sage into the roasting pan, too. Even better, just peel and shred the beets, dump them into a bowl and toss with oil, vinegar, salt, pepper and some sliced onions. That “farm to table” movement is all well and good, but there’s usually a lot of cooking, canning or freezing involved, and I don’t have the ambition or patience for that. My movement is “farm to mouth.”
The bumble bees are loving the leek flowers, as are a slew of other magnificent winged insects. It’s truly a collaborative effort with regard to pollination.
©Linda Nelson 2017 |
©Linda Nelson 2017 |
I’m drawn to leek flowers, too, though not for pollinating purposes. I’m attracted to them for beautification purposes, and added a few to this arrangement made up mostly of herbs. Cutting flowers and making a little bouquet for yourself in the early morning is one of life’s sweet and simple pleasures. Do it! Give yourself that gift, even if it’s just a tiny bud vase with one single flower in it, which is perfect for placing near your kitchen sink.
©Linda Nelson 2017 |
Now, do enjoy this lovely day!
It's funny…We have a weed that we watch flower, bud by bud. Then the flowers turn into what resembles a dandelion puff. Then it closes. We really need to weed that garden, but when we don't the weeds entertain us as much as a flower would. After all, the difference between a weed and a flower is whether or not it is cultivated! Thank you for sharing your hydrangea and other plants. Your bouquet it beautiful!