Wow, it’s been one month since I’ve been able to even consider sitting down to create a blog post. This is the busiest time of my work season, and will continue as such for the next few weeks, but I thought I’d share these three useful mottos to garden by.
Motto #1 – “DIVIDED WE THRIVE” – This one is sung about every three to five years by many perennials. The following images represent some telltale signs that it’s time to get out your shovel.
©Linda Nelson 2015 |
©Linda Nelson 2015 |
Hemerocallis (daylilies), on the other hand, may produce a larger mass of foliage, but send up less blooms.
©Linda Nelson 2015 |
Rudbeckia (Black-Eyed Susan) clumps will start to spread, forming a sparse, weedy looking mass.
©Linda Nelson 2015 |
©Linda Nelson 2015 |
Motto #3 – “DON’T LEAVE ME HANGING” – Folks, please! Plants sold in plastic hanging baskets are meant to be removed from them, then potted up or planted into more suitable containers. These baskets are for space saving purposes and shipping convenience at the nurseries and garden centers. They’re not meant for hanging, as is, along the roof line of your front porch. Good golly, stop doing that. It looks cheap, tacky and just screams, “I don’t know what I’m doing .”
©Linda Nelson 2015 |
There you have it.
Three mottos.
Now, get in your garden.