Yesterday I defrocked an old linen tablecloth, then repurposed it into shabby, vintagesque fabric gift wrap ribbon.  Paired with a color coordinating box, this simple ensemble is presentation worthy.

If you have an old(white) linen tablecloth that’s seen its day perhaps you’d like to make some ribbon yourself.

Here’s what you’ll need (besides the tablecloth) – 
  • 2 small bowls
  • small paint brush
  • measuring tablespoon
  • 1/2 cup water
  • white school glue
  • various colors of acrylic paint with a viscosity thicker than cheap craft paint
  • mesh sieve or coffee filter (not pictured)

Begin by snipping one end of the cloth with scissors, then rip/tear cut the rest of the length.  Continue snipping and ripping various widths of “ribbon” until you have the amount of pieces you’d like to color.

Next, remove the warp/weft threads created by the ripping step.  Remove only as many necessary to create a tiny, shabby fringe.

Combine one tablespoon of paint, one tablespoon of glue and one tablespoon of vinegar with 1/2 cup water in a small bowl; stir/blend thoroughly with the paintbrush.  Pour paint mixture through sieve and into another small bowl.  This procedure captures any globs of paint or glue that didn’t dissolve completely.

Dip your fabric strip into the paint mixture, then squeeze out the excess.  Wait a minute or two, then rinse under COLD water.  Squeeze out excess water, hang to damp-dry, then toss them in the dryer on high heat for a few minutes until completely dry.  Remove additional warp/weft strands made during the drying process.
A half cup of paint solution will color about ten feet of fabric.
Roll up your ribbon and secure with a safety pin to prevent unraveling.
The rolled repurposements are so pretty; they can be stored in plain sight.

There you have it.

Now start ripping, dipping and rolling, and get creative!

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