I woke up this morning feeling a little snippy.  No, not that kind of snippy, but snippy in that I was very inclined to fetch my pruners and do some playful harvesting.  I had spent the weekend catching up on much needed seasonal yard work; therefore, a little creative puttering time was well earned.

There’s quite a menagerie of things to choose from and decorate with at this time of year, perfect for segueing into autumn.  I always enjoy making floral bouquets.  This one is a combination of fresh cut flowers, shrub foliage stems, various floral seed pod stalks and succulent cuttings.

at the createaerie

Abelmoschus manihot seed pods make wonderful decorative jarred specimens…..

at the createaerie
at the createaerie

….. and Crocosmia’s spent flower stalks make for September sprays of loveliness.

at the createaerie
at the createaerie

Snipping and scavenging seem to go hand-in-hand for me; my favorite finds from the forest floor are feathers and pine cones.

at the createaerie
at the createaerie
at the createaerie

Did I mention that I woke up feeling somewhat squirrely, too?  The simplicity of gathered acorns showcased in a vessel is a timeless look for any home’s style.

at the creaeaerie
©Linda Nelson 2015

Well, that’s enough snipping, scavenging and squirreling around for today.

at the createaerie

Now……. it’s time for a little cat nap.

at the createaerie