When was the last time you stole a moment to sit and do absolutely nothing. No cell phone. No newspaper. No book. No TV……… nada. It’s a gift we often neglect to give ourselves. I gave myself that gift the other evening while waiting for some dinner take-out. Now, I don’t use a cell phone anyway, but I could have easily grabbed a pen and paper from my purse and made some notes. I could have picked up the free newspaper lying about and read the local gossip. I could have even snatched a take-out menu and have blankly stared at it…….just for the sake of keeping my hands and mind occupied for a mere ten minutes. Instead, I parked my tush on a sidewalk bench, and with my hands in my lap, just watched the cars go by. I felt so unencumbered and so at peace.
Perhaps I just needed that kind of moment, knowing the task that lies ahead of me. You’re clued in to what that is if you read my last post. I have yet to make arrangements for the lifting and relocating of my beloved dwarf Hinoki cypress. What’s going in its spot? A septic tank.
©Linda Nelson 2016 |
Okay, enough crap talk, let’s take a little peak at what’s growing at the createaerie.
©Linda Nelson 2016 |
I’m delighted that my space saving pumpkin plants have taken off, and have already set some fruit. If I had lots of open space on my property I would grow as many varieties of pumpkins and gourds that I could. I love them all.
©Linda Nelson 2016 |
And, I finally have a nice crop of blackberries. My friend shared with me some of her plants a few years ago, but just as they were getting established, I redid my vegetable garden and had to move them. Now they permanently and happily reside at the back of the garden. My tomatoes are growing like mad, though I always have success with growing them.
©Linda Nelson 2016 |
Isn’t this daylily just absolutely lovely? I think so. I acquired this plant a few years ago when dividing a big patch of it for a client, and took a few scrapped pieces home with me.
©Linda Nelson 2016 |
Yellow crocosmia makes for a delightful and cutting-worthy garden perennial. I had to pot up a few clumps of it that are in the way of where the septic system installation machinery will be trafficking. I can’t wait until that saga is over with so that I can get my cherished plants back in the ground.
©Linda Nelson 2016 |
I accomplished a lot in my garden beds this weekend. The “septic” punch list is dwindling, and that makes me feel good. My friend assisted me this past Saturday with taking down the rock wall and lifting and potting up more plants. I’m pooped.
Signing off with a few more photos I took the other day. Enjoy!
©Linda Nelson 2016 |
©Linda Nelson 2016 |
©Linda Nelson 2016 |
©Linda Nelson 2016 |
©Linda Nelson 2016 |