

Peter Cotton’s tail, or the Tail of Peter Rabbit?  No matter which tail tale you side with, “somebunny” lost one, and now I have it…. my little decorative springtime specimen.

linda nelson at the createaerie

For this post, I find myself in the mood for some random chitchat, sharing a bit of much-to-do-about-nothing, chewing the cud….  I hope you don’t mind that I’m inclined to verbally and visually unwind.

This past week presented me with a number of random tasks/errands to tackle, one of which required me to park my vehicle right next to our town’s hospital thrift shop.  How convenient.  And, the shop was having a storewide 1/2 price clearance sale.  Sweet!

Well, I couldn’t resist snatching up this little needlepoint tapestry.  Now, I did have to “freshen” it up a bit and swap out it’s musty “scented” broken frame for one I had on hand, but it was worth the wee bit of effort.

linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie

I also managed to mount the deer head I brought back from Italy.  The “mounting board” is from an old, broken sewing cabinet.  I think they pair together nicely, don’t you?

linda nelson at the createaerie

My seventeen year-old developed a little quirk about a year ago, and it has had an effect on my kitchen decor.  I’m serious!  I know, I know…… how could the two issues be related?  Well, about four years ago, I invested in the “lady with the blue dress on” from an artist who’s work I admire, and thought that wall the perfect spot to show her off.  All was fine…… until I had new windows installed last year.  By the way, my seventeen year-old is sitting in the bottom of this photo.

linda nelson at the createaerie

Anyway, the doorknob on the right side of the photo leads to my basement; I kept it open the duration of the window installment construction so he could seek shelter from all the loud noises and burly strangers making the noise.  Since then, he has insisted on wanting the basement door open all the time.  Thank goodness he sleeps most of the day, so it’s only a few hours here and there that my view of the lady is obstructed by the door.  This past week, I came up with a solution that grants me an arty view, regardless.

linda nelson at the createaerie

I painted the basement facing side of the door, made an over-the-door hanger from a piece of aluminum flashing I had on hand, and hung one of my other cherished pieces on the hanger.  Instant art gallery!

The following photos are of some other little visual pleasures that currently adorn my kitchen/dining area. 

linda nelson at the createaerie

I love this little corner of the kitchen counter, which is just to the left of my sink.  I always make sure it looks pretty so that washing dishes isn’t so “painful”.

linda nelson at the createaerie

A client of mine passed this apothecary cabinet on to me, one of my favorite pieces.  I keep the doors off, though; too impractical for daily use.

linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie

I used to have a pet rooster.  His name was Captain Hook.  I love chickens.

linda nelson at the createaerie

The enamel pan serves as my “fruit bowl”.  I have since restocked; grocery shopping was on the errands list.

linda nelson at the createaerie

This scale belonged to my grandmother.  And, it’s not just a prop; I actually use it to calculate the weight for when shipping my greeting card orders.

linda nelson at the createaerie

And, that’s my verbal and visual random chitchat for today.  Thanks for stopping by!



Say that three times fast.  No, don’t, you’ll just end up tripping over your tongue.

So……. I was working on some new greeting card designs last week, and canvas cloth was one material/element used in the design.  I have quite a bit of yardage on hand, ready for any orders placed at the upcoming NY Now trade gift show.  Thus, I’ve been in canvas creativity overdrive, and had to make some other things to burn off some of that surplus energy.  I love this stuff.  It’s neutral in color, weighty, washable, easy to work with and brings back memories to when I was taking oil painting classes and we were required to stretch and prime our own canvas.

Anyway, a couple yards draped across my work table made me think of those fabulous hand painted floorcloths, though I didn’t want to commit myself to such a project; I really need this canvas for the greeting card orders.  So, I just decided to make a “mini me” floorcloth.

Isn’t it adorable?

linda nelson at the createaerie

Pictured below are the materials I used to make mine, but there are many other options that would be suitable to use.  After cutting out my canvas circle, I frayed the edges, washed it, threw it in the dryer and then steam pressed it.  Next, I applied a base coat of white gesso that I tinted with just a drop of blue acrylic craft paint.  When dry, I made some free-hand surface designs using ChartPak ad markers, then followed up with two coats of acrylic gloss medium/varnish.

linda nelson at the createaerie

I’ll probably use mine as a surface protector, but this type of activity is such that you could take it in so many directions.  I imagine dollhouse and fairy garden enthusiasts could make some really neat miniature floor coverings for their displays and setups.  Handmade journal book hobbyists could make some pretty awesome covers using this method, too.

linda nelson at the createaerie

And, there’s always this crafty default – a coaster! 

linda nelson at the createaerie

On another note, look who was tending to my garden yesterday.  I don’t recall hiring anyone to prune my shrubs – that’s my job!  Aren’t they adorable, though?  This photo was taken from my kitchen window.

linda nelson at the createaerie

Now, my “deer” friends, go grab some canvas cloth and get creative!



I give much credit to all of you motivated home improvement DIYers, because there is nothing I loathe more than those types of projects.  I can garden and craft until the cows come home, and often do; but, put me in a situation where my home is in disarray, and I am one miserable crab apple.  And, that has been the status “at the createaerie” for the past few weeks.

One of the bedrooms in my house has been long overdue for a facelift, and I made a commitment to myself to tackle the job before my work season resumes in the spring.  When completed, it will serve as a guest room I can feel comfortable to offer to overnight visitors.  The contents of this room are currently in my bedroom; therefore, I’ve been sleeping on the couch.  The dismantled bed is in the living room, as there’s no other “convenient” spot to stash it.
Now, one would wonder why a small, spare bedroom overhaul would take this long.  Well, after I cleared the room, I spent a few days wallowing in misery because my normally tidy home was no longer so.  Then I spent a few days in avoidance anxiety and procrastination mode.  To alleviate those feelings, I decided to vacuum my basement, organize my garage and make some crafty things.  Oh, and all of a sudden, I had lots of errands to run.  Then I found myself absorbed in reading other people’s blogs.  Blogs about pretty and fabulous room re-dos.  Go figure.
Then three days ago, I finally bit the bullet and got started on what I should have been doing about two weeks ago.  I was going strong the first two days; I cleaned all the surfaces, spackled, and began sanding.  Today, I had a slip up.  Somehow, I had more errands to run, and then I needed to take a nap; therefore, I didn’t get back on track until about four o’clock this afternoon.  I managed to get some more sanding done, but then I thought it might be best that I write this post.  And, soon it will be time for dinner.
I crafted some darling little Valentine’s Day decorations to share with you.  Sadly, though, I have no spot in which to photograph them because this crab apple’s home is in such disarray.   To top it off, after I tackle this room, I’m taking on my home office.
Is this not the most sorry-a$$ed-pathetic post you’ve ever read?
Yes, I know there’s a light at the end of this tunnel, I’m just not seeing it yet.  When I do, when these beastly battles are fought and won, and when I turn back into my chipper self, I look forward to sharing with you the reward of my efforts.
Until then……….


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