No, not that kind of pillow talk!  I’m talking, little pillow talk.  Literally.

A few years ago, I whipped up a few miniature pillowcase prototypes.  I had done the calculating to sew them to scale and used some not-so-pretty fabric for my trial run.  And then, I packed up my ugly little creations and put them away.

During yesterday’s slushy snowfall, those little pillowcases came to the surface of my thoughts, and I was motivated to make them again.  Only this time, I wanted to make pretty ones.

linda nelson at the createaerie

linda nelson at the createaerie

Their finished size measures 4.75″ x 7″, a “mini me” version of a standard size pillowcase.  Aren’t they sweet?  They’re sweet smelling too!  There’s a little surprise hidden inside each pillowcase – a little lavender pillow sachet, the lavender harvested last season from two plants I have growing in my garden, and which yielded me about four cups of dried buds.

linda nelson at the createaerie

Now, I’ll let you in on a little secret – there’s another surprise hidden inside…..

linda nelson at the createaerie

The pillowcases are reversible!

linda nelson at the createaerie

Well, I hope you enjoyed joining me in a little (scented) pillow talk.

linda nelson at the createaerie