…….this tropical storm is Ourmine if you live on the east coast, and it’s steadily making it’s way to the south eastern region of NY.  Some of my family members were planning to visit this weekend. Clamming, swimming and BBQing were on the itinerary; however, we elected to cancel this annual affair.  Instead, I spent the afternoon lightly preparing for expected 35mph winds, dragging some things into the garage, flower staking and yard work, and harvesting a bunch of tomatoes.  A quick trip to the grocery store and gas station rounded out the day.

I hope this leggy gal is ready for Hermine.  She’s been hanging out in suspension in between my basil plants for a few weeks.  She started out as a tiny little waif, but not so anymore.

linda nelson at the createaerie

I did a double take when I spotted this pumpkin.  Sadly, I lost all of my green zucchini plants and first crop of pumpkin plants to squash borers.  The second crop of pumpkins took off successfully, and, so far, I’ve been rewarded with this one little guy.  Of course, the squirrels would have to mar it with their menacing nibbles.  I hope my caging effort will protect it while it matures.

linda nelson at the createaerie

A few of my Pattypan squash vines managed to survive the borer infestation.  Boy, I think I they’re tastier (the Pattypan, not the borer) than green zucchini.  They have a slightly nutty flavor and maintain a nice texture when cooked.

linda nelson at the createaerie

Isn’t this front porch simply charming?  It belongs to one of my clients, and I just think it’s the epitome of the perfect little porch.

linda nelson at the createaerie

In addition to their flower pots, I planted up a vegetable border for them – tomatoes, peppers, string beans and cucumbers.  Newly installed this season were some blueberry bushes, a perfect accompaniment to their existing raspberry patch.  There’s no need for me to bring lunch when I’m scheduled to work here 🙂

linda nelson at the createaerie

To you folks who are also awaiting Hermine, stay safe.  I’m going to hunker down and get creative!