

 Well, Thanksgiving came and went, as did Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday.   But, what was up with Sunday?  Oh let me guess – Take A Breather Sunday?  I doubt it.  Air Travel Sunday, perhaps.

Seriously, though, I do hope you all had a beautiful Thanksgiving spent in the company of your loved ones.  I made this apple pie for my family, my first time making an all-butter crust.  It was yummy, but next year I’ll just stick to my usual shortening crust; it’s much flakier and preferred by my “critics”.  I’ve yet to make a butter/shortening combo crust.  Perhaps I should give that a try.

linda nelson at the createaerie

Anyway, the next few weekends are sure to be filled with holiday bazaars in every town, and I do hope you’ll take the time to attend a few.  They’re fun, child friendly and often help support local organizations.  Be sure to visit the local art galleries and museums too!  They’re a fabulous pick for finding beautiful gifts.  And, while you’re there, take some time to view the current exhibit.  Seriously.  Stare at some art even if you don’t get what da heck the artist was alluding to.  If for nothing, you’ll be gifted a few moments of calm and an opportunity to entertain your inner Picasso.

I’ll be setting up shop at local fairs for the following two Saturdays and plan to attend a few as a browser/shopper this Sunday.  Here’s a peak at what I’ve been making in preparation for the two events I’ll be participating in –

linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie

And, yes, I agree – the photo quality is less than stellar.   Sorry about that. 🙁

Now, go browse, support and shop creative… in your home town, of course.

HOW BAZAAR Read More »


Here are a few garden gifts the month of August has brought to the createaerie, like…..

leafy growth to the water lotus I started from seed back in June…..

at the createaerie
lots of big leafy swiss chard…….
plenty of colorful dahlias to harvest…….
at the createaerie

……..and fertile fronds of the sensitive fern.  They’re great for drying, and will retain their gorgeous emerald green color for many months to come.
at the createaerie
The garden beds are showing no signs of exhaustion (despite the horrid, humid heat!)……..
……..especially not the Stella D’Oro daylilies.  Well, that’s actually because I cut them back completely to the ground just after their first flush bloom.  They were up and growing again within a few weeks. 
at the createaerie
Some gifts of harvest, such as my ornamental corn……. 
at the createaerie
and other little curiosities from my garden, like…..
dried golden yarrow……..
at the createaerie
dried poppy seed pods………
and those gorgeous fertile fronds, will become lovely little decorating accoutrements for the fall.
Ahh….., the gifts of August!


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