

April has all but come and gone, and I have done nothing other than eat, sleep and breathe everything related to gardening.  It’s a very critical period during my work season, and when I’m not tending to my clients’ gardens, I’m tending my own.  It’s been well over a month since I’ve posted anything or visited any blogs for reading pleasure.  No linky parties, no Google+ scrolling…….. nada.  However, I managed to muster just enough energy to post four photos.

Here’s a new addition to my garden tchotchkes.  This little guy drove all the way across the states from California.  He used to live with my daughter.  Now he lives with me.  I hope his creepy little smirk scares the rabbits out of my vegetable garden.

Doronicum is in full bloom.  A cheery little plant, no?

I’m not one for cooking, let alone making leek soup.  But, I sure do love growing leeks for their pom-pom-ish flowers.  I should have a nice crop by June.

And, last but not least, these hostas are ones that my mom planted before I was born.  They’re not exactly what I’d seek out to purchase; it’s their sentimental value that permits them in my garden.

Now it’s time for bed, and for dreaming about weeding, planting and pruning.


‘TIS THE SEASON……. Read More »


How delighted I was this morning to wake up to a snowflake-y view.  I love snow, and feel we didn’t get enough this winter here on Long Island, NY.  Snow triggers the cozy craftiness in me; I’d be happy with snowflakes falling all winter long.

linda nelson at the createaerie

Snowy days are ideal for curling up and napping……..

linda nelson at the createaerie

But, I chose to do something else.

linda nelson at the createaerie

I printed up some vintage seed packet images onto watercolor paper, then hunted my house for some props to display them on.

linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie

linda nelson at the createaerie

The simplest of crafting activities is often all it takes to make a seasonal decorative statement.

Let’s see what other signs of spring are making an appearance at the createaerie.

linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie

Perusing through books and magazines is also a wonderful snowy day activity.  This one is a gift I received from a friend who recently visited for a weekend.  I can never have enough gardening books.

linda nelson at the createaerie

The quince branches I cut for forcing have finally begun showing off.

linda nelson at the createaerie

And, that!………. concludes my snowy, not-yet-spring day.



I spent some time on the west coast recently, and though I’ve physically returned, I mentally have not.  The city of Pacific Palisades, California, epitomizes a picture perfect climate this time of year; it’s addictive.  Don’t get me wrong, I love winter on the east coast and the icebox temperatures it delivers, but there’s just something about the west coast……

like super-sized pinecones………

picking Meyer lemons right from a backyard tree…….

and plucking offshoots from an overgrown aloe shrub.

These were the little treasures I stuffed inside my luggage for the flight back home.

This year’s trip was not like any other; no botanical garden visits, no poking around in hip thrift shops, no national parks, nor sightseeing of any kind.  No, this visit was a total landscaping labor of love.  My daughter and her husband recently moved into a sweet, but long neglected little cottage abode.  The extent of our excursions were to local hardware stores and garden centers, and a few trips to Home Depot.  My days commenced around 5:30 AM, and after some garden plan contemplation and a few cups of coffee, I was digging, planting, pruning and grooming until dark.  Though three thousand miles away from home, I was completely in my element.  The cottage’s previous occupant left behind an assortment of potted plants which I instinctively reincorporated into the revamping project.

There’s still quite the punch list of exterior structural tasks to accomplish.  But for now, this little diamond in the rough is a place my daughter and her husband can call home, complete with potted vegetables and herbs this duo can make use of with all of their fabulous home cooking skills.

The project manager in residence was satisfied with all the laborious efforts that took place.

Photo Courtesy of My Daughter

On another note, I was the winner of one of Debbie Bosworth’s recent giveaways, and received this fabulous book just the other day.  Yay!  Be sure to check out her lovely site; it’s packed with garden loving inspiration of the finest kind.  And, this book is all the buzz!

Happy Spring!


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