Well, she(or he) should.  And, so should you.

And this is what led me to my “acronymonious ‘aha'” moment.

You see, every year at income tax time I get a strong urge to purge.  And, good thing I did because I found some filed receipts and product manuals for things I no longer owned, or that were so old that having records for them just didn’t make any sense.

Two hours later, I had a nice big pile of no longer needed documents destined for the shredder, and that satisfied feeling of having de-cluttered my office.

In addition,  I also had a few tattered hanging file folders.  Ugh!  Might as well shred or just recycle them, too.  But, before I do, I’d better remove the metal hangers.

Now what?  Buy more folders?

No!!!!!!  I’ll make FFHFF.


And, they’re so easy to make!

Simply cut out two 20.5″x12.25″ pieces of fabric and place them together with right sides facing each other.  Sew a 1/4 inch seam all the way around, leaving an opening just big enough to turn your piece right side out.

Iron press the entire piece, then press a one half inch fold at each short end.  Machine stitch both folded ends down.

Slip the metal hangers through the folds, and you’re done!

Now, my version is the stripped down model, but you could easily add interfacing to make them stiffer, or even create a flat bottom (this would require you to initially make the length longer than 20 inches).  The point is that it’s a great way to use some of that pretty fabric you may have stashed away for replacing your old file folders as they become worn out.  The fabric ones will last forever, and you can even toss them in the wash.

There you have it.

Now, go make some FFHFF!