Ha! I bet you didn’t know that Santa had two other reindeer….. Baubles and Blingster.  I’m somewhat late with decorating for Christmas this year, but fashionably late, don’t you think?
linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie
Here’s a glimpse of some other little curiosities I’ve placed about.
linda nelson at the createaerie

I think a vintage glass doorknob makes for a great bauble.

linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie
I made this angel last year.  Actually, I made three, sold two and kept this one for myself.  The faceless cherub….. Isn’t she sweet?
linda nelson at the createaerie
This is my little candle and tree forest.  I love candles; however, I’m “one of those”, in that I usually don’t light my candles because I want to preserve their “newness”.   I’ve christened two of them; that’s a pretty good track record for me.  Silly.
linda nelson at the createaerie

And, finally, a trio of “cement” ornaments I made.  These will be shipped to a friend.  Check out my tutorial if you’d like to make some, yourself.

Our local weather forecast is calling for a rainy weekend, which will be perfect for cozy indoor activities like baking cookies and wrapping gifts.

Stay tuned…… I hope to squeak out another post before Christmas.