

Say that three times fast.  No, don’t, you’ll just end up tripping over your tongue.

So……. I was working on some new greeting card designs last week, and canvas cloth was one material/element used in the design.  I have quite a bit of yardage on hand, ready for any orders placed at the upcoming NY Now trade gift show.  Thus, I’ve been in canvas creativity overdrive, and had to make some other things to burn off some of that surplus energy.  I love this stuff.  It’s neutral in color, weighty, washable, easy to work with and brings back memories to when I was taking oil painting classes and we were required to stretch and prime our own canvas.

Anyway, a couple yards draped across my work table made me think of those fabulous hand painted floorcloths, though I didn’t want to commit myself to such a project; I really need this canvas for the greeting card orders.  So, I just decided to make a “mini me” floorcloth.

Isn’t it adorable?

linda nelson at the createaerie

Pictured below are the materials I used to make mine, but there are many other options that would be suitable to use.  After cutting out my canvas circle, I frayed the edges, washed it, threw it in the dryer and then steam pressed it.  Next, I applied a base coat of white gesso that I tinted with just a drop of blue acrylic craft paint.  When dry, I made some free-hand surface designs using ChartPak ad markers, then followed up with two coats of acrylic gloss medium/varnish.

linda nelson at the createaerie

I’ll probably use mine as a surface protector, but this type of activity is such that you could take it in so many directions.  I imagine dollhouse and fairy garden enthusiasts could make some really neat miniature floor coverings for their displays and setups.  Handmade journal book hobbyists could make some pretty awesome covers using this method, too.

linda nelson at the createaerie

And, there’s always this crafty default – a coaster! 

linda nelson at the createaerie

On another note, look who was tending to my garden yesterday.  I don’t recall hiring anyone to prune my shrubs – that’s my job!  Aren’t they adorable, though?  This photo was taken from my kitchen window.

linda nelson at the createaerie

Now, my “deer” friends, go grab some canvas cloth and get creative!



How delighted I was this morning to wake up to a snowflake-y view.  I love snow, and feel we didn’t get enough this winter here on Long Island, NY.  Snow triggers the cozy craftiness in me; I’d be happy with snowflakes falling all winter long.

linda nelson at the createaerie

Snowy days are ideal for curling up and napping……..

linda nelson at the createaerie

But, I chose to do something else.

linda nelson at the createaerie

I printed up some vintage seed packet images onto watercolor paper, then hunted my house for some props to display them on.

linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie

linda nelson at the createaerie

The simplest of crafting activities is often all it takes to make a seasonal decorative statement.

Let’s see what other signs of spring are making an appearance at the createaerie.

linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie

Perusing through books and magazines is also a wonderful snowy day activity.  This one is a gift I received from a friend who recently visited for a weekend.  I can never have enough gardening books.

linda nelson at the createaerie

The quince branches I cut for forcing have finally begun showing off.

linda nelson at the createaerie

And, that!………. concludes my snowy, not-yet-spring day.



©linda nelson 2015

Gosh, I’ve had so much fun making these decorative little ornaments.  Not once was I bored. My corrugated cardboard box went to better use this way rather than getting tossed at the recycling facility, don’t you think?

©linda nelson 2015
©linda nelson 2015
©linda nelson 2015
©linda nelson 2015

Happy crafting!



I just finished up a custom order of angelic handmade greeting cards.  Designing and assembling these cuties was just too much fun to be considered work.

I also transformed a few of my decorative pinecones into hanging ornaments.
The ones pictured above are for a friend.  Have you given making these pinecones a try yet?  They’re super lovely placed amongst an organic, rustic and natural holiday setting.  Plus, they’re so very easy to make.
 Click the sidebar pinecone photo and you’ll be taken straight to the tutorial.
Happy holiday crafting! 


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