Today I decided to take a little extra morning time for myself. The trade-off….. I’ll work a little bit later into the evening. It’s no problem, though.
It’s a peculiar, rather coolish June here in the eastern most tip of New York. I feel borderline silly wearing a sweatshirt and turtleneck, but hey, I’ve done sillier things than that. Anyway, this is what’s happening among the garden beds at the createaerie.
©Linda Nelson 2015 |
The peonies are looking gorgeous, don’t you think? And, while I’m not exactly fond of the current color combination pictured below, I’m enjoying the lovely show, courtesy of my Baptisia australis, achillea ‘Moonshine’, and the scarlet foliage of the Cotinus in the background.
©Linda Nelson 2015 |
I delight in the quirky looking stalks of Euphorbia ‘Fireglow’ poking up among the ferns and Alchemilla mollis. Some folks might categorize this plant as a nuisance, but mine behaves quite nicely.
©Linda Nelson 2015 |
And, I’m super delighted that my Euphorbia ‘Ascot Rainbow’ weathered the severe winter just fine, as you can see here. They’re known for being a little temperamental in this region.
©Linda Nelson 2015 |
I’m a big fan of gray. Are you? I know that Dusty Miller can have the reputation of being a bit stale with regard to all the wonderful plant material out there, but it works. It just works….. especially paired with a nice decorative rock.
©Linda Nelson |
Oh, let’s take a quick peak at my vegetable garden.
©Linda Nelson 2015 |
©Linda Nelson 2015 |
©Linda Nelson 2015 |
The potato plants are looking good and are just setting some flowers. My swiss chard………I think it’s time for a small harvest.
©Linda Nelson 2015 |
The kale, pictured above, is coming along nicely. Last year it experienced a premature bolt, then crop failure. That was on account of unusually high temperatures early on in the season. This year we are experiencing the exact opposite.
Though not in my vegetable, and not exactly a culinary pick, my citronella balm(a little less hardy than lemon balm) wintered over in the ground just fine. I chose to pot it up and place it near my patio sitting area.
©Linda Nelson 2015 |
And, finally…… my first little summertime bud vase, set upon my kitchen windowsill. I enjoy creating dainty sized arrangements. To me, they’re little bursts of sunshine and happiness.
©Linda Nelson 2015 |
Enjoy your day!