It’s certainly still heavy coat season in the northeast, but before we know it, crocus flowers will be poking up through the ground, forsythia flower buds will be plumping up, springtime props will accent our abodes……..and eggs will be laid.  Yes, they will be laid atop mantles, in hutches, under cloches, within tabletop centerpieces, and will magically find their way into the most curious of places in our homes.

Today I thought I’d lay a little visual clutch of inspiration for you in the hopes that it may hatch a few ideas in your head.

Who says that you can’t clutch eggs in a chum pot?  Oh, yes you can…..

linda nelson at the createaerie

….and, in mop wringers……..

linda nelson at the createaerie

……..and scale trays.

linda nelson at the createaerie

Clutch them in deep fryer baskets…….

linda nelson at the createaerie

and in coffee pots…….

linda nelson at the createaerie

Stash them inside tomato mashers and cigar boxes……….

linda nelson at the createaerie

linda nelson at the createaerie

and nestle them within your favorite fashion accessory, too.

linda nelson at the createaerie

Trust me, no one will cackle at you.

Besides, mama always said to never put all of your eggs in one basket.  She was right.