Well, Hello!  It’s been such a long, long time since I’ve checked in with the blogging world.  This work season has been busier than busy, and project requests just keep coming in.  It’s all good.  Anyway, I’ve stolen a brief moment to update you on some happenings at the createaerie.

First off, Stampington & Co. was so kind to include my “sandy” little creation in their recent Somerset Life publication.  Yay!

linda nelson at the createaerie

Now, let’s take a quick stroll around the property.

linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie

I made a little horseshoe crab garden!

linda nelson at the createaerie

There’s a funny little story to this gangly little hibiscus pictured below.  I was plant shopping at one of my vendors early in the summer, and a four strand braided hibiscus “tree” was sitting on the checkout counter.  Now, a braided hibiscus is not exactly my cup of tea, but what sold me was the fact that the one opened bloom was pure white.  How refreshing, especially when most hibiscus are offered in the typical red, pink, peach and yellow colors.  So, I purchased it for myself.  Well, I almost gagged when the other buds opened and what I now had was a braided multi-colored atrocity.  What nursery growers in their right minds would do such a thing?  I certainly wasn’t going to have the likes of that growing in my flower pot, so I pruned out the three strands that didn’t have white flowers and this is what I was left with.  At least I know that all the flowers will be white.

linda nelson at the createaerie

Sicilian squash is so much fun to grow.  My roadside find trellis, a weight-lifting frame, is doing its job holding this monster up!

linda nelson at the createaerie

Cucumbers are super easy to grow and are one of the few vegetables that can be grown successfully in part shade.  You can also grow them in pots!

linda nelson at the createaerie
linda nelson at the createaerie

 Let’s move on to projects.

Do you ever want something you know you’ll probably not use often enough to justify the acquisition, but you just have to have it anyway?  I’ve been fantasizing about soaking my tired body in an outdoor tub after a long, hard day at work.  I’d be surrounded by blooms, birds and butterflies as I soothed myself in a warm bath sprinkled with lavender buds and epsom salt.  It’s not likely that I’ll actually take the time out to do it, but this roadside find was a dream-come-true that I couldn’t pass up.

linda nelson at the createaerie

Yep, it’s cast iron, and took myself, a friend and the flagging down of a young, strong passerby to get it into the bed of my truck.  Thank goodness I own a tree cart; it was the only way to transport it to the back yard after sliding off the truck.  I hope to have my fantasy outdoor spa project completed before the summer is over.  We’ll see.

Remember my septic tank fiasco of summer 2016?  If not, click here to update yourself so you’ll understand what this next project is all about.

Lifting up half of my backyard plant material to accommodate a new septic system had all but brought me to tears.  I wouldn’t wish that on anybody.  Then came the toil and labor of reconfiguring and replanting, and a design dilemma… what to do about the cesspool cover area in the middle of my planting bed.  I lightheartedly sought some enlightenment from a Feng Shui gardening book, only to be disheartened by all the septic system placement “rules”.  Being the resourceful, solution trooper that I am, I came up with an idea that would maintain the aesthetic as well as good chi.

linda nelson at the createaerie

The once problematic septic site is now being transformed into a peaceful, purposeful and visually pleasing designation for mentally “eliminating” all negative thoughts down the drain.  I sh!t you not.  How’s that for a solution?

I do hope all you bloggers and blog readers are enjoying the warmth, sunshine and activities of summer….. and getting creative!


  1. Thanks for stopping by, Michele. Knowing my current schedule, my spa project will be done when the chilly weather arrives and I'll be less inclined to soak in an outdoor tub ;P

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