….literally, that is.  When discussing design ideas with my clients, I bring to their attention that a garden bed may have more than one face.  Pictured is the view I enjoy leading up to and away from my home office.  The ability to appreciate areas of my yard is effortless, and that’s what I seek to deliver to my clients.

©linda nelson 2014
©linda nelson 2014

Below is a garden bed I designed for a client a few years back.  Whether pulling up into the driveway, entering and exiting the front door, or looping around with a vehicle, the visual appeal of this bed is balanced.  Planted directly behind my clients’ beloved Checker Cow are the tallest plants; behind them the plantings drop down in height again.  Eyes from all directions have a vantage point.

©linda nelson 2014
©linda nelson 2014
Put your wellies on, stroll the yard and start visualizing.  Be sure to consider and include vantage points from inside your home; the birds-eye view from the window of your attic turned study counts as a face, too.  This is the ideal time of year for garden revamping and tweaking.  Why should all of your invested and prized plant material be laid out in such a way that only street cars driving by can appreciate it, or only when you are sitting in that particular patio chaise lounge?  A garden bed has the potential to strike many poses if given a little forethought.

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